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I'm going to do my best to give you character descriptions here without spoilers, but some characters are spoilers... This page will look much better in the near future, but for now I just wanted to get the info up. Expect to see the dreamcast game characters and manga character info for all the those not appearing in the anime to date including skullknight, puck, and all the newest ones from the ongoing series.

[ anime characters . anime characters (spoliers) . manga characters ]

Berserk Anime Characters (Spoliers)

The Apostles God Hand
Nosferatu Zodd
The Snake Baron

[ anime characters . anime characters (spoliers) . manga characters ]


arcticnightfall.com - nightfall 5.x
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Berserk Anime ©1997 - 2001 VAP and Miura-sensei / Berserk Manga ©1989 - 2001 Miura-sensei
ArcticNightfall.com ©1995 - 2001 Icefall / Nightfall 5.x designed for IE 5.5+ 800x600+